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Local Government Committee Bills

Committee Bills
Bill Title
H. B. No. 76 Allow increase in membership of boards of township trustees
H. B. No. 92 Regards unpaid water, sewer, and trash charges at rented property
H. B. No. 113 Regards annexation and financial disclosure forms, tax exemptions
H. B. No. 123 Modify procedures for filling vacancies in local elected offices
H. B. No. 124 Modify process for property tax sales-assessment ratio studies
H. B. No. 137 Permit tax authority to decline submitting certain levy to voters
H. B. No. 139 Require specified testing of fire hydrant systems
H. B. No. 146 Revise civil service status of certain county probation positions
H. B. No. 154 Require school district approval-certain property tax exemptions