Wiggam Fights for Local Funding in State Budget Bill to Aid First Responders
State Rep. Scott Wiggam (R-Wayne County) announces the General Assembly recently passed House Bill 110, known as the two-year state operating budget that was signed into law by the governor earlier today. Wiggam fought for funding within the budget bill that includes local allocations to aid first responders in Wayne County.
“I’m proud of the work we’ve done that went into this budget, and I am glad to see dollars coming back to Wayne County for safety services,” said Wiggam. “This funding is going to significantly help with the communications of our first responders that will ultimately benefit the people of our county and surrounding counties.”
In the budget a total of $500,000 was allocated through the Department of Administrative Services for the development and construction of the Multi-Agency Radio Communication System (MARCS) Tower in Wayne County. This communications tower will allow first responders to communicate over radio in areas that are currently not covered, which will allow for communications in emergency situations for our first responders when serving Wayne County citizens.
Additionally, the budget package also includes a series of provisions in support of first responders including law enforcement, firefighters and also for veterans. Some of the initiatives include funding for training and equipment, support for veterans organizations, and funding for the Ohio Cyber Reserve.
The budget plan was recently signed into law earlier today.