Ohio House Urges Federal Government to Make Ohio's Camp Ravenna Preferred Site for Future Missile Defense System
COLUMBUS—During today’s session, the Ohio House of Representatives passed a resolution urging the United States Missile Defense Agency to select Camp Ravenna Joint Military Training Center in Ravenna, Ohio, as the preferred site for a future east coast Missile Defense system.
Before being approved on the House floor, Senate Concurrent Resolution 8 was vetted and passed by the Ohio House Armed Services, Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security Committee, chaired by State Representative Terry Johnson (R-McDermott).
Following today’s session, Rep. Johnson released the following statement:
“Camp Ravenna in northern Ohio would make an excellent site for expansion of America’s Missile Defense System. Ohio already plays a vital role in America’s homeland defense, notably with the Air Sovereignty Alert aircraft of the Ohio Air Guard’s 112th Fighter Squadron, which keeps F-16s armed and fueled and ready to defend the eastern region of our nation. Ravenna would gladly and proudly add missile defense to our contribution to America’s homeland defense, should we prevail in the selection process.”