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Ohio House Passes Bill to Ban Foreign Interference in Ohio Elections, Ensure Both Major Political Parties Appear on Ballot

May 30, 2024
Republican Newsroom

COLUMBUS—The Ohio House of Representatives today passed House Bill 1, legislation to close a loophole in current law and ban foreign funding in state ballot issue campaigns, announced State Rep. Monica Robb Blasdel (R-Columbiana).  

Under current state and federal law, it is illegal for foreign nationals to donate to political candidates, but ballot issues are not addressed. By extending current law to ban foreign donations to state ballot issues, this legislation aims to protect Ohio’s election integrity and ensure foreign influence does not sway election results.

“Historic decisions to change our constitution should not be determined by foreign nationals,” said Blasdel. “I am pleased the House took action to ban foreign funding in state ballot issues.”

House Bill 1 will achieve the following: 

  • Prohibit direct and indirect contributions from foreign nationals;
  • Ban the spending, including independent expenditures, of funds tied to foreign nationals; and
  • Ensure independent investigatory and enforcement power by the Ohio Attorney General.

The Ohio House today also passed House Bill 2, legislation that will delay the deadline for a major political party to certify its presidential and vice-presidential candidates for the 2024 general election, ensuring that candidates from both major political parties appear on Ohio’s ballots.   

“I believe this legislation will directly increase voter turnout and drive the conservative vote in Ohio,” said Blasdel.  

House Bills 1 and 2 now head to the Ohio Senate for consideration.