Ohio House Approves Capital Improvements Budget
With strong bipartisan support, the Ohio House of Representatives today passed House Bill 497—the state’s capital budget bill—which invests capital appropriations totaling nearly $2.4 billion in communities and projects throughout Ohio.
The capital budget’s investments do not increase taxes on Ohioans and are consistent with the Legislature’s commitment of fiscal responsibility and a stronger, more competitive economic climate.
“The capital improvements budget includes many investments that will benefit Ohioans across the state,” said Chairman of the House Finance and Appropriations Committee Ron Amstutz (R-Wooster), who sponsored House Bill 497. “It gives local communities the ability to strengthen their infrastructure, initiate important renovations to historical buildings and institutions of higher education, support local workforce development efforts, improve our park system, and provide vital services for addicted, disabled or disadvantaged Ohioans. Governor Kasich gave us a comprehensive proposal, which primarily protects our existing education and other public buildings by maintaining and renovating them.”
The capital budget is the product of close collaboration between Governor John Kasich, state agencies, presidents of Ohio’s colleges and universities, local leaders, legislative members and leaders, members of the economic development community, and others within Ohio’s communities. It includes appropriations for fiscal years 2015 and 2016.
“Being fiscally disciplined with our budget and encouraging economic development continue to be two of the House’s top priorities, and this capital budget accomplishes both,” said Chairman Amstutz. “We have found a good balance. I applaud the governor’s work on this proposal, as well as the House’s diligent consideration.”