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Constitution Day Recognizes the Document that Established a Nation

September 20, 2014
Republican Newsroom

Press Release Poster

As Americans, we are joined together by a common idea and a single purpose: democracy. We live in a country created by individuals who endured tyranny and religious suppression, yet we have the confidence of knowing that the very thing that links us all is a document, created over 225 years ago, that ensures a more perfect union for those living under its principles.

On September 17, 1787 the founding leaders of this country met as part of the Constitutional Convention for the last time to sign the U.S. Constitution. What an exciting and life-changing day this must have been for those delegates! They had the opportunity to seal with their own signature the fate of our country.

In school, we hear about these brave, intelligent and innovative men who were the original framers of America. Of course, we know about George Washington, the steady leader, first American president, strong military commander and also, an instrumental part of drafting the Constitution. He seemed to have the ability to manage various personalities and viewpoints, while not being fearful of reforming the system.

Discussing the Constitution also brings to mind Benjamin Franklin and James Madison, who are both minds that made an impression on the document. Franklin was a talented, intelligent individual who utilized his educational skills and political background to assist in the creation of the Constitution. Madison, who was the fourth President of the United States, is known as the “Father of the Bill of Rights.” He was also someone who staunchly believed in freedom of religion and proposed the idea of a three-part federal government.

I know as a state we have faced many challenges, and as a country, we have certainly seen many trials. All that we can do is look to the founding fathers and United States Constitution itself to remember where we have come from, and use those principles to steer us forward.

The Constitution is America’s law of the land; it’s our authority and foundation, which specified how the United States government should be established. In it, we see the definition of the three main branches of government, including the legislative, executive and judicial branches. All three are separate but equal. The Constitution also details states’ rights—a topic that continues to be debated.

In fact, the United States Constitution is a document that is still applicable to this day, as it touches on various topics. It’s incredible that something written so many years ago is continuously relevant in our society. Many interpret the document differently, and there will always be debate over its measures. However, I believe, that the founding fathers created a document that is democratically sound and rooted in truth, freedom and sovereignty. This September 17th, I hope you had the opportunity to think of the Constitution. It’s not just an aged, historical document that we learn about in school; it’s the hallmark of our nation and a piece of our past that contains the wise words, brave ideas and significant truths of our founding fathers.