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Rep. Phillips: Ohio Must Remain Vigilant Against Anti-worker Policies

September 1, 2014
Democratic Newsroom

As we celebrate Labor Day with picnics and parades, let’s also take time today to reflect on the contributions of the hardworking men and women to whom this holiday is dedicated.

Since the mid-19th century, unions have stood on the front lines to promote an equal playing field and fair working conditions for all American workers. Because of unions’ advocacy, Ohio families can enjoy an 8-hour work day, weekends and workplace safety laws.

Labor unions have directly contributed to the creation and endurance of the middle class in America.

Yet in recent years, we have seen politically-motivated attacks against unions and the working class way of life. Radical lawmakers, including members of the Ohio legislature, have advocated for so-called “right-to-work” legislation that hurts workers and middle-class families in Ohio.

If passed, so-called “right-to-work” laws would bypass all of the important rights and protections labor groups and unions have worked so hard to establish on behalf of Ohio workers. Ohioans resoundingly rejected similar anti-labor legislation when they voted down Senate Bill 5 in 2011. 

We must remain vigilant this Labor Day in the fight to protect and maintain an equal playing field for Ohio’s middle-class workers.