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Ohio Democrats Release Constitutional Map Proposal

September 19, 2023
Democratic Newsroom

COLUMBUS - Senate Minority Leader Nickie J. Antonio (D-Lakewood) and House Minority Leader Allison Russo (D-Upper Arlington) today held a press conference to discuss a constitutional map proposal and the current status of the Ohio Redistricting Commission.

“The dysfunction of our Republican counterparts on the commission has become a national embarrassment for Ohio,” said Leader Antonio. “Their inability to agree on a co-chair hinders progress and obstructs what is meant to be a fair and democratic process. Ohioans deserve better than this GOP infighting, acting out a proxy leadership battle while losing focus on what is really at stake – drawing fair maps that reflect the voters and their values. Every day we remain in recess threatens our ability to hold hearings and provide opportunities for the public to weigh in. Democratic members of the redistricting commission are ready and eager to get to work on behalf of the people of Ohio as indicated by our introduction of a set of maps today.”

“Fair and equal representation is the cornerstone of our democratic republic. The Ohio Redistricting Commission has failed the people of Ohio so far. But we’re here today to show the people that we are here to work for them, that we are here to work with the majority, and that when we put petty politics aside, there’s no excuse for us to not deliver fair, constitutional maps this time,” said Leader Russo. “That’s why today we’re excited to introduce what we call the Antonio-Russo Maps. They’re a set of maps we believe are constitutional, proportional to reflect Ohioans’ voices and votes, and are the best way forward to serve all of us. In short, they are maps that comply with the Ohio Supreme Court’s orders and map concepts that have been developed with Republican legislative feedback.”

The constitutional plan proposed by Leader Antonio and Leader Russo reflects the constitutional requirement for statewide proportionality by creating 14 Democratic Senate districts and 43 Democratic House districts. The maps reduce the number of township, city and county splits at every opportunity and keep communities of interest whole.

The Ohio Redistricting Commission has been in recess since Wednesday, September 13, due to the failure of Republicans to come to a consensus on a Republican co-chair. The date of the next meeting is still undetermined.

The maps that have now been submitted to the Ohio Redistricting Commission can be viewed here or at the following links: