Fedor responds to Gov. Kasich's delay on charter school scrubbing records release
State Rep. Teresa Fedor (D-Toledo) today issued the following statement in response to Gov. John Kasich’s reported response to the Ohio Department of Education’s delay in releasing public records associated with Kasich’s campaign manager’s husband scrubbing failing grades from online charter schools.
“It seems like a fair indication that charter school corruption has deep roots in our state, considering the governor is closely involved in the response to a six-week old public records request. ODE should have independently filled the request weeks ago with a volume of information that errs on the side of complete transparency and accountability.
“Given the amount of time that has passed since the request, and the fact that the Ohio Department of Education and the governor have a lot to lose if records reveal willful and systemic charter school corruption at the highest levels of government – an independent eye should have investigated the scandal with Mr. Kasich’s campaign manager’s husband when it first happened. It is unfortunate that, at this point, there is no way to trust or verify pending results that have likely been carefully picked over by multiple parties.”