Bishoff responds to Ohio joining Aetna-Humana merger opposition
State Rep. Heather Bishoff (D-Blacklick) responded to today’s news that Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine will join the U.S. Department of Justice in opposition to the proposed healthcare insurance merger of Aetna and Humana. DeWine’s involvement comes after Ohio Lieutenant Governor Mary Taylor rubber-stamped the merger in May of this year, following the Blacklick lawmaker’s request to her for public hearings due to concerns of increased consumer costs, lower-quality service and an overall reduction in Ohioans’ access to healthcare that such a merger could bring.
“I am pleased Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine agrees with my concerns that the proposed merger of Aetna and Humana could reduce access to healthcare for Ohio families,” said Bishoff. “Whenever you reduce options in the marketplace you reduce choice and competition between these companies providing benefits and services to Ohioans. I remain concerned that Lieutenant Governor Mary Taylor and the Ohio Department of Insurance failed to respond to my proposal for public input and a full vetting of the merger before they rubber-stamped the merger in May. I am hopeful that Ohio consumers, families and our state as a whole will be able to vet this multi-billion dollar acquisition that could negatively affect our costs and access to healthcare.
Taylor never responded to Bishoff’s joint request with Ohio Senator Edna Brown (D-Toledo).