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State Reps. H. Gilson Blair (D-Weathersfield) and Michael O’Brien (D-Warren) today requested a meeting with President Donald Trump or Vice President Michael Pence during their planned visits to Lancaster, Ohio, on July 30, or Cincinnati on August 1.


State Rep. Bride Rose Sweeney (D-Cleveland) today sent a letter to Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose urging him to reconsider and cancel the Sept. 6 voter purge which threatens the registration of some 235,610 Ohio voters—many of whom remain eligible to vote.

“For years, we’ve had Automated Voter Purging but not Automated Voter Registration,” wrote Sweeney. “I ask that you reconsider and cancel this voter purge so that my constituents – those who vote and those who don’t – are not struck from the rolls. Let’s get back on track with Automated Voter Registration and leave Automated Voter Purging in the past.”


State Rep. Allison Russo (D-Upper Arlington) and fellow House Democrats today sent a letter* to the Ohio Department of Medicaid asking them to investigate the declining number of children insured by Medicaid.


Ohio House Democratic Leader Emilia Strong Sykes (D-Akron) today issued a statement following the passage of House Bill (HB) 6:

“This was not an easy vote for some of our Democratic members, including myself,” said Rep. Sykes. “Democrats will always stand with hard-working Ohioans over corporations. HB 6 was never a Democratic bill; it was never even a bipartisan, compromise bill. It was yet another example of the Majority Party playing games, forcing impossible choices between protecting the environment and keeping food on the table for 1,400 workers and their families. I hope that the companies who receive the taxpayer dollars from HB 6 will honor their promise to protect the jobs at both nuclear plants and support these workers’ continued employment.”   


Ohio House Democratic Leader Emilia Strong Sykes (D-Akron) and other Democratic lawmakers today issued a statement following Amazon’s announcement of more than 1500 jobs coming to Akron.  


State Reps. Juanita Brent (D-Cleveland) and Phil Robinson (D-Solon) today issued a joint statement applauding Gov. Mike DeWine’s veto of a provision within the state budget, House Bill 166, that would have limited the ability of certain school districts to raise operating funds through local property taxes. 


Ohio House Democratic Leader Emilia Strong Sykes (D-Akron) today issued a statement following more than two-dozen budget bill vetoes by Gov. Mike DeWine.

“While he didn’t address all of our concerns, the governor did veto some problematic tax language Democrats opposed that would have made it harder for Ohio communities to deliver essential services and adequately fund their local school districts to give teachers and students the tools they need to succeed.

Vote split as compromise fails to build on House-passed wins for working people
July 17, 2019

Ohio House Democratic Leader Emilia Strong Sykes (D-Akron) today issued a statement following the passage of the state budget, House Bill 166. The vote follows more than two weeks of Republican dysfunction and gridlock, which forced lawmakers to pass a short-term funding extension before finally compromising on a long-term deal late Tuesday. Sykes also sent a letter* to Governor DeWine on behalf of House Democrats urging him to veto several provisions in the bill they believe are not in the best interest of everyday Ohioans.

Tour to focus on Dem efforts to invest in working people and families
July 16, 2019

House Minority Leader Emilia Strong Sykes (D-Akron) today announced the launch of the Ohio Promise Tour, a statewide legislative town hall series hosted by House Democratic members to discuss the state budget, bipartisan priorities and a number of recent Democratic-led wins for working people and families.

Legislative delays with state budget forces University to delay tuition notice
July 12, 2019

State Rep. Randi Clites (D-Ravenna) and students at Kent State University today responded to a notification the university released Thursday informing students of a delay in issuing tuition bills due to the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the passage of the Ohio state budget.

“As legislators, it is our constitutional duty to pass a long-term budget by June 30. Interim budgets bring uncertainty and break the promise we made to taxpayers to do so. The delay in billing at Kent State shows the detrimental effects of missing the budget deadline has had on all Ohioans, including students who rely on financial aid and student loans,” said Rep. Clites. “In a state with one-party rule, we should not be putting Ohio students and families in such an uncertain position. I am committed to working together to get this done and I call on Statehouse Republicans to do the same.”

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