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"Blair Deduction" aims to reduce student debt loads of Ohioans
December 16, 2019

State Representatives John Rogers (D-Mentor-On-The-Lake) and Gary Scherer (R-Circleville) today announced the introduction of the “Blair Deduction,” a proposal that would allow individuals to deduct up to $4,000 per year from their Ohio income taxes. This is the most recent iteration of legislation that was originally co-authored by Representative Rogers and the late Representative, Terry Blair.

Says Dems elevated role benefits working people and families
December 12, 2019

With the end of the 2019 legislative term, House Minority Leader Emilia Strong Sykes (D-Akron) today issued a statement on the historic levels of bipartisanship during the 133rd General Assembly, which, through the first year, has seen the percentage of bills clearing the House sponsored by Democrats double over the previous two General Assemblies. 

Victory for expanding workforce development in Ohio from his first bill
December 12, 2019

State Rep. Phil Robinson (D-Solon) Wednesday announced the unanimous passage in the Senate of House Bill (HB) 4, his bipartisan bill alongside Rep. Tracy Richardson (R-Marysville) to help streamline the process of developing industry-recognized credential and certificate programs. This is both Rep. Robinson’s first bill as a legislator, and his first to pass both chambers to become law.

House Bill 2 creates and funds program for in demand credentials
December 12, 2019

State Representative Michele Lepore-Hagan (D-Youngstown) today applauded the House concurrence of House Bill (HB) 2, moving this job training and workforce development legislation to the governor’s desk for his signature. 

Says proposals stand in contrast to extremist, anti-choice bills being debated at Statehouse in recent weeks
December 3, 2019

Rep. Erica Crawley (D-Columbus) today introduced a several bills aimed at improving maternal health outcomes in Ohio, including legislation to improve statewide reporting on maternal mortality as well as a bill to expand training at hospitals and other birthing facilities across the state to improve care for certain life-threatening complications arising from childbirth. 

Follows week of extremist bills they say send Ohio in wrong direction
November 20, 2019

Democratic Leader Emilia Strong Sykes (D-Akron) today joined Dem lawmakers to urge passage of several bills focused on strengthening Ohio families, part of their ongoing Ohio Promise campaign to grow good paying jobs and an economy that works for everyone.

House Bill 226 requires drivers to check for on-track railroad equipment
November 20, 2019

State Representative Michele Lepore-Hagan (D-Youngstown) announced the unanimous House passage of House Bill (HB) 226, a bill requiring drivers to watch, listen and stop for on-track equipment at railroad crossings.  

Says successful Stark County programs provide model for Ohio
November 19, 2019

State Rep. Thomas West (D-Canton) today joined Democratic lawmakers, Lt. Gov. Jon Husted and business leaders at a Statehouse press conference to outline their blueprint to strengthen Ohio’s minority-owned businesses. The event kicked off Minority Business Day at the Statehouse and highlighted successful business development programs in West’s district he says serve as a model for the state.   


Ohio House Democratic Leader Emilia Strong Sykes (D-Akron) today issued a statement on the latest extreme total abortion ban introduced by House Republican lawmakers this week.

“This latest abortion ban from extreme, right-wing lawmakers is the most brazen and absurd attempt yet to deny Ohio women their fundamental freedoms, to interfere with the patient-doctor relationship and disproportionately target communities of color across Ohio.

November 19 is Minority Business Day at Statehouse
November 14, 2019

State Reps. Thomas West (D-Canton) and Sedrick Denson (D-Cincinnati) will joinHouse Democratic Leader Emilia Strong Sykes (D-Akron), Lt. Governor Jon Husted and representatives from JobsOhio on Tuesday, Nov. 19 at 10 a.m. in the Statehouse Harding Press Room for a press conference to discuss the state of Ohio’s minority-owned businesses. 

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