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State Rep. Kent Smith (D-Euclid) today highlighted several key priorities Democrats were able to deliver for Ohio taxpayers in 2020, including securing $4.53 billion in funding to assist local communities, front line workers, first responders, schools, small businesses, and Ohio’s working people and families affected by coronavirus and ongoing economic uncertainty.

Rep. Liston is the first member of the Ohio General Assembly to receive the vaccine
December 23, 2020
Rep. Beth Liston Receives The COVID-19 Vaccine

COLUMBUS— State Rep. Beth Liston (D-Dublin) received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine this morning, making her the first member of the Ohio General Assembly to receive the vaccine.

Says Shoot First bill, abortion restrictions would threaten health and safety of Ohioans
December 22, 2020

Minority Leader Emilia Strong Sykes (D-Akron) today urged Gov. Mike DeWine to veto two controversial bills, Shoot First legislation Democrats say endangers Black lives and makes Ohioans less safe, and a new, extremist restriction on abortion access in Ohio. House Republicans cut off debate on the bills last week, denying Democrats the opportunity to speak out against the last-minute flurry of extreme legislation GOP lawmakers are rushing through the legislative process before the end of the 133rd General Assembly at the end of the year.

HB 1 will expand access to drug treatments and allow more opportunities for a fresh start
December 22, 2020

COLUMBUS– State Rep. Paula Hicks-Hudson (D-Toledo) today announced that House Bill (HB) 1, her bipartisan bill to modify intervention in lieu of conviction/sealing requirements, moves to the governor’s desk for his signature.

Student-friendly HB 442 grants aspiring CPAs greater flexibility
December 22, 2020

COLUMBUS- State Rep. Thomas West (D-Canton) today announced that House Bill (HB) 442, his bipartisan bill with Rep. Bill Roemer (R-Richfield) to enact Certified Public Accountant (CPA) licensure reform, has cleared the legislature after the House concurred Senate amendments. The bill now moves to the governor’s desk to be signed into law.

Decry Republican efforts to silence debate on bill threatening women's health
December 18, 2020

COLUMBUS- State Reps. Allison Russo (D-Upper Arlington), Beth Liston (D-Dublin) and Jessica Miranda (D-Forest Park) today stood in opposition to the House passage of Senate Bill (SB) 260, the latest Republican attack on access to safe, legal abortion care that would ban abortion services via telehealth. The bill passed the Ohio House early Friday morning after House Speaker Bob Cupp (R-Lima) refused to allow floor debate on the legislation. It now heads to the governor’s desk. 

Rarely used parliamentary maneuver used to block GOP radicals and silence House Dems
December 18, 2020

COLUMBUS— In the dark of night while most Ohioans were sleeping, the Republican Supermajority on three separate occasions utilized the rarely used House Rule 101 to move the previous question, cutting off debate for controversial bills on Stand Your Ground a.k.a Kill at Will, abortion and curbing the power of the public health director. House Democrats had been prepared to offer multiple amendments to the controversial bills and deliver floor speeches that lifted up the voices and concerns of their constituents, but they never got the chance. Also silenced was the radical faction of GOP lawmakers who had floor amendments ready to be offered. 

Say shoot first mentality threatens Black lives and makes us all less safe
December 18, 2020

Late Thursday, House Democrats delivered impassioned floor speeches against a last-minute, unvetted amendment to House Bill 175, Shoot First legislation that would permit the use of deadly force by individuals who believe their lives are endangered in any space, something Democrats say goes too far, and would threaten Black lives and make all Ohioans less safe. Then, in a move to silence more Democratic opposition, Republicans employed a rarely used parliamentary procedure to prematurely end debate, and voted to ram the bill through along party lines.


State Rep. Juanita Brent (D-Cleveland) late Thursday night spoke on the House floor and voted against an amendment to Senate Bill (SB) 175, which grants civil immunity to handgun licensees who are responsible for injury, death, or other loss as a result of carrying a handgun. The proposed amendment mimics “Stand Your Ground” laws and permits the use of deadly force by individuals who believe their lives are endangered. This type of legislation is dangerous for Ohioans and disproportionately impacts the Black Ohioans.

Says Ohio House Blatantly Ignores Health of Legislators, Staff, and the Public
December 17, 2020

COLUMBUS- State Rep. Brigid Kelly (D-Cincinnati) introduced two House Resolutions to allow House committees and/or session to be conducted virtually amid worsening conditions of the coronavirus pandemic as “Lame Duck” session occurs in the Legislature.

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