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Middle-class Ohioans still waiting on Kasich's 'Ohio Miracle'
January 24, 2014
Latest job numbers highlight need to focus on economic opportunity for all
January 24, 2014
Average Ohioans struggle to get by while GOP invests in wealthy
January 24, 2014
Abysmal job numbers prompt need for common-sense solutions
January 24, 2014
Potentially unconstitutional execution prompts lawmakers to call for pause
January 23, 2014

State Reps. Nickie J. Antonio (D-Lakewood) and Dan Ramos (D-Lorain) sent a letter to Gov. John Kasich on Wednesday calling on him to impose a moratorium on executions in Ohio to further review the new execution drug combination policy and provide a thorough report of last Thursday’s execution. This comes after last week’s controversial execution, in which the State used an untested two-drug lethal injection method. The family of inmate Dennis McGuire plans to file federal lawsuit against the state, citing the U.S. constitutional ban on cruel and unusual punishment.

Legislators introduce bill to name U.S. Route 20 after WWI Vets
January 23, 2014

State Rep. John Patterson (D-Jefferson) and State Sen. Capri Cafaro (D-Hubbard) today announced a measure to honor local World War I veterans. The lawmakers recently introduced legislation to designate a portion of U.S. Route 20, between Ashtabula and North Kingsville, as the “World War I Veterans Highway.”


When my staff reminded me I was approaching the deadline to submit my thoughts on Rev Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy this year, I was dry.  Weary. Heavy-hearted. What could I say?

The report is not good. We are losing ground in areas already won – and fewer people seem to be paying attention every year. Sometimes, it feels as if the clock is spinning backwards.

All the issues Dr. King fought so hard to improve for ALL people – education, wealth creation, voting rights – are now back on the battle field.

We have a generation of children who couldn’t even define the American Dream let alone aspire to it.

Too many forgotten invisible people.

Too many living a nightmare with no dreams to hope for.

I heard Dr. Cornell West speak last night and he suggests we wake up – that perpetual dreaming is an unnatural state. Interesting.

The only way the dream becomes reality is through power.

The irony is that in this democracy of ours, we-- the people --have the power.

The disenfranchised, disconnected, the disregarded.

Those are the power bearers and they simply don’t know it, or no longer believe it.

We can make the dream a reality in one election cycle by making sure you are properly registered RIGHT NOW, showing up on election day or whatever narrow window Secretary Husted decides to allow for early voting – AND VOTE.

Vote for people who care about you, know your issues have demonstrated some commitment to the community and its issues.

Pay attention to who keeps their word and who doesn’t. You determine term limits based on performance.

Show up at town hall meetings, council meetings and legislative committee hearings.


Trite maybe – but truly that simple.

Show up and change the world.

Do you think they would be trying so hard for so long


On Thursday, State Representative Jack Cera (D-Bellaire) received the 2014 Jack Wolfe Legislator of the Year Award from the Ohio Assoc. of Election Officials. The Ohio Association of Election Officials is a professional organization representing the members and employees of Ohio’s 88 county boards of elections, their directors and deputy directors.  The OAEO is a bipartisan organization dedicated to ensuring fair and accurate elections for all Ohioans.  It offers educational programs and training courses for its membership and employees. Rep. Cera was on hand at Thursday’s event to personally receive his award. 

“It is an honor to be recognized by this bipartisan group because they strive to craft solutions that are good for the entire state. In fact, the OAEO does such a great job in working together that we need this organization to teach the legislature how to work in a bipartisan manner,” said Cera upon receiving the award.

Work remains on path towards racial equality
January 17, 2014
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