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Say Ohioans should not have to choose between having a job and a child
April 5, 2016
Dem lawmakers propose creation of Ohio's first-ever paid family leave insurance program

State Reps. Christie Kuhns (D-Cincinnati) and Janine Boyd (D-Cleveland Heights) introduced a proposal today to create Ohio’s first-ever paid family and medical leave insurance program. The bill would allow all Ohio workers to continue earning a portion of their pay during a family medical emergency or the birth or adoption of a new baby. Also participating in today’s announcement were Columbus City Councilmember Elizabeth Brown, small business owner Gail Dudley, and Innovation Ohio President Keary McCarthy. 


State Reps. Kent Smith (D-Euclid) and Kristin Boggs (D-Columbus) today announced a new plan to assist struggling communities hit hardest by Governor Kasich’s budget cuts and tax shifting policies over the past several years. Since taking office, Gov. Kasich cut over $1.7 billion in local community funding. Over 70 cities have lost at least $1 million each year due to Kasich’s budgeting and tax decisions, and 12 small cities have lost at least $2 million each, per year.

As Ohio job creation stumbles during Kasich's tenure, lawmakers look for answers
March 31, 2016

State Reps. Greta Johnson (D–Akron) and Kent Smith (D-Euclid) today announced the introduction of the “Ohio Jobs Guarantee” to ensure policymakers and the public have full access to information necessary to evaluate job creation efforts in Ohio. The bill would allow the Auditor to conduct full audits of JobsOhio and require that JobsOhio submit a quarterly progress report detailing all of its active projects. The bill’s introduction comes amidst news that two of Gov. Kasich’s presidential campaign mega-donors were recommended by JobsOhio for tax incentives that will cost Ohioans close to $1 million.

Says legislature should have acted to protect Ohio youth in justice system
March 29, 2016

Ohio Legislative Black Caucus (OLBC) President and State Rep. Alicia Reece (D-Cincinnati) today responded to news that the Ohio Supreme Court adopted new restrictions on juvenile shackling. The Cincinnati lawmaker has called for an end to juvenile shackling since 2013, introducing two bills to restrict the practice.     


House Democratic Leader Fred Strahorn (D-Dayton) today applauded the outcome of the U.S. Supreme Court case Friedrichs vs. California, which challenged fair share fees for public non-union employees who benefit from collective bargaining negotiations that increase wages and bring better benefits and safety protections to the workplace. The court split 4-4, effectively preserving precedent requiring public employees to pay fair share fees for benefits associated with union representation.


State Reps. Greta Johnson (D-Akron) and Emilia Sykes (D-Akron) today applauded the filing of a lawsuit against Ohio for the sales tax on feminine hygiene products, also commonly called the “Pink Tax.” The class-action lawsuit argues that the “Pink Tax” violates equal protection laws because only women must use these products. Despite the U.S. Food and Drug administration classifying tampons and pads as medical devices, Ohio is one of many states that continue to tax feminine hygiene products.

Toledo lawmaker, former teacher says Ohio has failed students, families
March 24, 2016

State Rep. Teresa Fedor (D-Toledo) today commented on the nineteenth anniversary of the landmark school funding Supreme Court decision, contending that Ohio has failed children and families and challenging her colleagues in the legislature to put children first.

“Almost two decades after the DeRolph decision, Ohio still does not have a coherent education plan. Instead, the legislature has relied on a drawn-out, piecemeal approach that has failed to deliver the ‘thorough and efficient’ funding necessary to provide our children with the education required to succeed in the 21st century. Though the DeRolph ruling pushed the state closer to funding the construction of new school buildings, it is what takes place inside of our schools that matters most.

“How many children has Ohio failed? How many potential doctors, teachers, and scientists have we held back by not investing properly in our public education system?

Former assistant county prosecutor will guide minority party positions on legislation
March 24, 2016
Johnson tapped to serve as highest-ranking Dem on House legal panel

House Democratic Leader Fred Strahorn (D-Dayton) today announced State Rep. Greta Johnson (D-Akron) as the lead Democratic member of the Ohio House Judiciary Committee. The first-term lawmaker was elevated to the committee leadership position this week, after serving on the panel since the beginning of her term in 2015. 

Legislation will encourage hiring of former mine workers, promote mine safety
March 23, 2016

State Rep. Jack Cera (D-Bellaire) today announced the introduction of House Bill 489, legislation to support abandoned mine reclamation, promote mine safety, and encourage the employment of laid-off mine workers.  

Proposal will leverage $1 billion for investment in local communities
March 23, 2016
Lawmakers focus on the future with "Restore Ohio" infrastructure initiative

State Reps. John Rogers (D-Mentor-on-the-Lake) and Denise Driehaus (D-Cincinnati) today introduced their “Restore Ohio” initiative, legislation to invest in Ohio’s communities and build reliable, efficient, and modern infrastructure systems that will fuel a strong and thriving economy.

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