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Say package offers solutions that allow working families to get ahead
April 17, 2018
On Tax Day, House Dems push tax reform that puts families first

Marking National Tax Day, House Democratic lawmakers today detailed a state tax reform package they say will make life better for families in the Buckeye State. After seven years of Republican tax policies benefitting the wealthiest one-percent, Democratic lawmakers say the tax responsibility has been unfairly shifted to middle-class and working families.

“For too long we’ve seen tax schemes worked up to benefit the wealthy at the expense of hardworking Ohioans,” said Rep. Jack Cera (D-Bellaire). “Our plan works to fix this by offering real, commonsense solutions that allow working families to get ahead.”

Proposals include House Bill 333, a bill to end Ohio’s marriage penalty, as well as a plan to expand Ohio’s tax credit for families who adopt. Democrats also outlined a blueprint to stop forcing families to pay for state inaction on the state’s worst-in-the-nation opioid epidemic.

“Ending Ohio’s marriage penalty and expanding tax credits for families looking to adopt are commonsense ways to support hardworking families,” said Rep. Rich Brown (D-Canal Winchester). “Also, by creating a tax credit to help our families that struggle with addiction, we help Ohioans get back on their feet to support their families and strengthen our communities.”

In addition, Democrats are looking at new legislation to reduce the cost of essential everyday products by eliminating certain items from the state sales tax, including feminine hygiene products, diapers, over-the-counter medicine, child safety seats and other goods.

“Republicans have continued to nickel and dime hardworking people by shifting taxes from the wealthy to middle-class and working people, especially women and young parents,” said Rep. Janine Boyd (D-Cleveland). “By eliminating certain essential products from the state sales tax, we increase consumer purchasing power and make it e


Ohio House Assistant Democratic Whip Brigid Kelly (D-Cincinnati) today responded to former Republican House Speaker cliff Rosenberger’s expedited resignation from the Ohio House amid an FBI investigation into events in which he may have been involved. Rosenberger initially announced he would resign May 1, but late Thursday announced he was resigning immediately.

Kelly says the about face amid outside political-party pressure raises new questions about the legislature’s work and the breadth and depth of the federal investigation. Kelly issued the following statement:

“It is no secret that the people’s work in the state legislature has become overshadowed by suspicions of corruption and violations of the public trust since former Speaker Rosenberger announced he could be part of an FBI investigation. We are hopeful his expedited resignation helps us all get back to work on behalf of the taxpayers sooner, but the truth is, it also creates new questions about how the outside influence of political party pressure during an election year may be dictating the terms, conditions and deadlines of the people’s work in the legislature.

“The former speaker was right – allegations of public corruption and breach of the public’s trust is bigger than one person. That is why, even though one person has resigned, we are concerned that the impact and scope of this investigation remains unclear.” 

Say House Bill 591 unfairly targets certain districts
April 13, 2018

State Reps. John Boccieri (D-Poland) and Michele Lepore-Hagan (D-Youngstown) today expressed concern about House Bill (HB) 591, a Republican-led effort to once again overhaul the state’s school report card system. The bill would leave current triggers in place for schools that are under or near academic distress—a move the lawmakers say unfairly targets districts in academic distress like Youngstown, Lorain and at least 22 other districts across the state.



Assistant House Democratic Leader Nick Celebrezze (D-Parma) today issued the following statement in response to House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger’s (R-Clarksville) Tuesday announcement that he will resign effective May 1:

“This is a deeply troubling situation that restricts the ability of this institution to focus on issues and laws that improve people’s lives. While I personally like Cliff Rosenberger, the citizens of Ohio deserve to know the truth behind these allegations as the public trust of the taxpayers should be of utmost importance.”

“The one-party rule that has dominated our state for decades has led to unchecked power that has damaged not only this institution, but our state. Ohioans deserve better and that is why I agree that Cliff should step down immediately.”

“When public officials appear to act in their own interest instead of public interest, it shakes the entire confidence of the taxpayers. It is my sincerest hope that the nature of these allegations is made public soon, so that the House can refocus on the job at hand and move our state forward.”


Ohio House Democratic Leader Fred Strahorn (D-Dayton) today issued the following statement in response to House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger’s (R-Clarksville) Tuesday announcement that he will resign effective May 1:

“I genuinely like and have considered Cliff Rosenberger a friend throughout my tenure as Leader. I am disappointed to see the Speaker of the House embroiled in an FBI investigation. Currently, it is a cloud of unanswered questions and allegations but it will have a significant impact on our institution.

“I understand that even the perception of wrongdoing can compromise the ability of our institution to conduct the business of the people. This deeply saddening and unfortunate situation impedes our ability to effectively discuss and pass laws that make people’s lives better.

“It stands as a reminder of the dangers of prolonged one-party rules that can put the public interest in competition with private interest. It shakes the confidence in our ability to do good and damages the trust of taxpayers.”






State Rep. David Leland (D-Columbus) today issued the following statement in response to Tuesday’s announcement that House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger (R-Clarksville) will resign effective May 1:

“This is a stain on our democracy that interferes with the people’s business and reduces public confidence in our legislative process. This unfortunate incident is a reminder of what happens when one political party controls every level of state government.

“Though this is the tip of the iceberg in fully understanding the extent and level of political corruption, it should serve as a sobering reminder for some that nobody is above the law. We need checks and balances, and new leadership to restore integrity and trust in state government.”


House Minority Leader Fred Strahorn (D-Dayton) and state Rep. Nickie Antonio (D-Lakewood) today announced the unanimous House passage of  legislation that urges Congress to award Annie and John Glenn with a Congressional Gold Medal for their lifetime of public service.

Chief moves polling locations off school grounds
April 9, 2018

State Reps. John Boccieri (D-Poland) and Michele Lepore-Hagan (D-Youngstown) today expressed support for Mahoning County Board of Elections Director Joyce Kale-Pesta’s decision to move polling locations out of a number of local schools for safety reasons. The Mahoning Valley’s lawmakers also indicated they would support a statewide effort to move polling locations from school grounds to other public spaces in an effort to promote the safety of Ohio students.

“Each year, hundreds of schools across Ohio open their doors on Election Day and give broad access to people not working at the school facilities – which unfortunately has the potential to put students at risk,” said Rep. Lepore-Hagan.

Pennsylvania state lawmakers are currently debating legislation to begin moving polling locations away from school grounds in order to protect students. The legislation comes on the heels of a 2017 incident that saw a state trooper shot just a few miles away from a Northampton County, Pennsylvania elementary school. While students at the school were on lockdown as authorities searched for the shooter, a portion of the school remained open and accessible to voters.

“It is really sad that the in the wake of so many school shootings, students will not witness Democracy in action. But it makes sense to keep this threat away from our children,” Rep. Boccieri said.

Similar safety incidents and concerns have spurred officials in  Read Full Story

Canton-area lawmaker urges colleagues to pass bipartisan HB 479 to make order permanent
April 4, 2018

State Rep. Thomas West (D-Canton) today applauded the Ohio Department of Insurance’s order to prohibit Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBM) from imposing gag rules to prevent pharmacists from informing consumers when they are overpaying for prescription drugs.

“I applaud the Department of Insurance’s decision to put hard-earned money back in the hands of consumers by prohibiting PBM gag orders on local pharmacists that effectively jack up the price of prescription drugs,” said Rep. West. “While we welcome this long overdue order, we must take the next step and pass HB 479 to ensure that Ohio consumers are protected under the law and not simply at the whim of whomever controls the governor’s office.”

West recently introduced House Bill (HB) 479, a bipartisan plan that would strengthen consumer protections and work to reduce the cost of prescription drugs in the Buckeye State.

Lawmakers referred HB 479 to the House Government and Oversight Committee, where it has received one hearing.

Reps. Kelly, Smith announce plan to ensure Ohio workers get paid for the work they do
April 3, 2018

State Representatives Brigid Kelly (D-Cincinnati) and Kent Smith (D- Euclid) today announced legislation to strengthen Ohio’s outdated overtime pay rules. Policy Matters Ohio’s Hannah Halbert, who urged action on the nation’s outdated overtime pay rules, joined them. The event also highlighted how the Trump administration—as well as special interests and Republican officials, including Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine—are obstructing a rule that would ensure that workers are paid fairly for the hours they work.

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