Fischer Announces $2.7 Million for Youngstown Flea Revitalization
COLUMBUS—A Mahoning County industrial site is getting nearly $2.7 million dollars in funding to redevelop, announced State Rep. Tex Fischer (R–Boardman).
The Mahoning County Land Bank will receive a grant of $2,680,371 through the Ohio Brownfield Remediation Program for the Youngstown Flea building in Youngstown.
“This is an economic win for the area,” said Fischer. “Youngstown Flea has done a great job utilizing this historic space, and now it’s time to make it safer and help it meet its full potential.”
The historical industrial site, now owned by Youngstown Flea, was originally built in 1870. The funds will support asbestos abatement, selective demolition and the removal of other contaminated materials. The funding will also help create a mixed-use space for community events and businesses, generating up to 155 new jobs.