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Santucci Introduce Right to Hunt and Fish Joint Resolution

October 11, 2023
Nick Santucci News

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COLUMBUS –State Representative Nick Santucci (R-Howland Twp.) introduced House Joint Resolution 5 (HJR 5), which would enact Section 22 of Article I of the Constitution of the State of Ohio to establish a constitutional right to hunt and fish.

Since 1996, 23 states have amended their constitution to protect hunting, angling, and trapping. If HJR 5 is passed by the legislature, the measure will go before Ohio voters in 2024.

"The right to hunt and fish is deeply woven into the fabric of Ohio's heritage," said Ferguson. "This joint resolution is about more than just preserving traditions; it's about safeguarding our state's rich environment, supporting rural economies, and protecting individual rights. We must stand together to ensure these rights are not eroded by misguided policies or special interest groups."

Last year, Ohioans purchased 479,000 hunting licenses. Hunting contributes $1.3 billion annually to Ohio's economy and supports 15,500 jobs.

“Hunting and fishing add over a billion dollars to Ohio’s economy every year, supporting not only jobs but funding critical conservation efforts,” said Santucci. “The outdoors brings people together. Enshrining the rights of sportsmen and women in our constitution will preserve these great traditions for future generations in Ohio.”

HJR 5 has been referred to the House Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.