Rep. McNally Says Real State of the State is Ohioans Deserve Better
COLUMBUS – State Rep. Lauren McNally (D-Youngstown) today responded to Governor DeWine’s State of the State address:
“Governor DeWine knows what Ohioans need. His version of the budget does not get us all the way to where we need to be. I’m very proud of Austintown Schools for their commitment to the science of reading and all the good they are doing. I think the governor is genuinely trying to set Ohioans up for quality steady work in areas like career tech. I am happy to see his continued focus on kids and families and I look forward to working with him on those initiatives in a bipartisan way,” said Rep. McNally.
House Democrats are committed to making sure people deserve better: better pay, better healthcare, fairer taxes, safer communities, real opportunities, and a future where no one is held back.
The full House and Senate Democratic response can be viewed here.