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Rep. McNally Introduces Consumer Protection Call Center Act to Protect Consumers, Call Center Jobs

HB 540 puts companies on notice, protects Ohio's call center positions from foreign relocation
May 16, 2024
Lauren McNally News

COLUMBUS – State Rep. Lauren McNally (D-Youngstown) today introduced House Bill (HB) 540, The Consumer Protection Call Center Act. This legislation would require notification of relocation of call centers in Ohio and disqualification of tax benefits for companies that locate jobs overseas.

“As a practice, government has incentivized employers to create jobs and in some cases those employers don’t keep that promise,” said Rep. McNally. “The Consumer Protection Call Center Act will either incentivize employers to keep and maintain jobs in Ohio or recoup that government investment if they don’t follow through on employing Ohio workers. Either way, it’s better for workers in Ohio.”

The Consumer Protection Call Center Act will:

  • Require an employer that intends to relocate a call center or qualifying facilities or operating units within a call center from Ohio to a foreign country to notify the director of Job and Family Services (JFS) at least 120 days before relocating.
  • Require the JFS director to compile, every six months, a list of employers that have relocated a call center or one or more qualifying facilities or operating units within a call center from Ohio to a foreign country during the preceding six months.
  • Disqualify, unless an exception applies, an employer that has relocated a call center or one or more qualifying facilities or operating units within a call center from Ohio to a foreign country from receiving a grant, guaranteed loan, tax benefit, or other economic incentive from the state until five years after the relocation.
  • Require a state agency to ensure that all call center and customer service work performed for the agency is performed entirely within Ohio.

The bill now awaits assignment to a committee and a first hearing for further consideration.