Rep. McNally announces more than $3.6 million in Lead Safe Ohio Program grants for Columbiana, Mahoning County
COLUMBUS – State Rep. Lauren McNally (D-Youngstown) today announced $3,633,000 in grants from the Ohio Department of Development’s (Development) Lead Safe Ohio Program for Columbiana and Mahoning County to assist with lead-safe building certification, screening and testing for lead poisoning, education and outreach, and early intervention for children and families impacted by lead.
“We know lead exposure can be life altering for children, and that the way homes and buildings were made in the past requires a lot of safety and construction reexamining,” said Rep. McNally. “This partnership between the federal government and General Assembly is improving community safety and public health.”
Funded through House Bill 45 by money provided by the federal American Rescue Plan Act, specifically the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) program to support response to and recovery from the COVID-19 public health emergency, the Lead Safe Ohio Program is a partnership between Development and the Ohio Department of Health. It’s additional funding uses include workforce development, recruitment and retention of lead contractors, and lead safe renovations such as window and door replacement in single-family homes, congregate care shelters and childcare facilities constructed before 1978. Applications for the total $150 million investment toward state and local efforts to prevent lead poisoning and remediate homes of contamination were due September 13, 2023 with a program start date of December 1, 2023.
The construction-related competitive grants awarded in Ohio’s 59th district include:
· $897,000 for the Columbiana County Department of Development
· $2,736,000 for Mahoning County