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Rep. McNally announces more than $2 million for local infrastructure projects

Projects selected based on health and safety, age and condition, and number of users
June 28, 2024
Lauren McNally News

COLUMBUS – State Rep. Lauren McNally (D-Youngstown) today announced the awarding of $2,084,851 in funding for local governments from the Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC) as part of their State Capital Improvement Program (SCIP) and Local Transportation Improvement Program (LTIP).

“I am excited these additional grants and loans have been awarded to Ohio’s local governments to support critical infrastructure projects,” said Rep. McNally. “I am thankful the communities in the district are doing this important work and improving the livelihoods of Ohioans.”

The OPWC awarded 564 projects in all 88 Ohio counties to support roads, water supply, wastewater, bridges and culverts, and stormwater for a total of $323.8 Million. SCIP projects are part of the state’s bond program while LTIP projects utilize gas tax revenue.

Awards in Ohio’s 59th District were selected by some of the state’s 19 district integrating committees based on a variety of factors including health and safety, age and condition, and number of users. They include: 

·       $500,000 in LTIP funding for the FAR-261-17, HAN-064-33, MAD-304-09 Bridge Repairs in Columbiana County

·       $658,571 in LTIP funding for the Mahoning Avenue Improvements, Phases I & II in the City of Youngstown

·       $543,000 in LTIP funding for the Industrial Road Roadway Improvements in the City of Youngstown

·       $93,600 in SCIP Grant funding for the South Duck Creek Road Resurfacing in Goshen Township

·       $75,000 in LTIP funding for the Denver Drive & Polo Boulevard Improvements in Poland Township

·       $75,000 in LTIP funding for the East South Range Road Box Culvert Replacement in Springfield Township

·       $64,680 in SCIP Grant funding for the Kerrywood and Eastwood Drive Resurfacing in the Village of New Middletown 

·       $75,000 in SCIP Grant funding for the Sanitary Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation in the Village of Sebring

This is the ninth round of awards under the current ten-year bond reauthorization, which will conclude on July 1, 2025, following the final release of project agreements. Districts have already started the solicitation process for this last round.

 A joint resolution passed by the General Assembly is needed to place a constitutional amendment on a statewide ballot at least 90-plus days prior to an election to renew the State Capital Improvement Program. An amendment will allow the state to continue to issue general obligation bonds to fund infrastructure capital improvements. The existing reauthorization passed by voters on May 6, 2014, has provided $1.875 billion, $175 million annually for the first five years and $200 million annually for the second five years.