Rep. McNally Announces $5K for Youngstown City Health District in Ohio EPA Grants
COLUMBUS – State Rep. Lauren McNally (D-Youngstown) Wednesday announced that the Youngstown City Health District received $5K in state funds from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency’s (Ohio EPA) Environmental Education Grant program.
“I certainly want my children, and other kids in Youngstown, to learn more about what they can do to improve the environment,” said Rep. McNally. “I look forward to hearing more about the event the city will put on with this grant funding and hope we can participate.”
The Youngstown City Health District is receiving $5K to start a “Litter League” to hold a citywide cleanup and educate residents about litter.
The Ohio EPA’s Ohio Environmental Education Fund (OEEF) was created by the General Assembly in 1990 to enhance Ohio citizens’ awareness and understanding of environmental issues by providing approximately $1 million in annual grants for environmental education efforts. Dollars for the grants are from one-half of the civil penalties collected from violations of Ohio’s air and water pollution control regulations. Thirteen organizations received more than $244Kin grants to support projects involving habitat restoration, sustainability, litter control, biodiversity, butterflies, and more.
The next grant application deadline is January 2024. Projects seeking funding, which is available from $5K-$50K, should target the general public, the regulated community, and pre-school through university students and teachers. They must also be based on objective and scientifically sound information.