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Rep. McNally announces $40,000 to West Branch Local Schools

Funding supports the farm to table work-based learning program
August 6, 2024
Lauren McNally News

COLUMBUS – State Rep. Lauren McNally (D-Youngstown) today announced $40,000 in funding from the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce’s (DEW) Grow Ohio Grant Program to support West Branch Local Schools in expanding its farm to table work-based learning program. 

“Allowing students to be the driver of this innovative program is important for their learning and for them to get an inkling into what running a sustainable agricultural enterprise may look like,” said Rep. McNally. 

In the West Branch program, students will gain firsthand knowledge of livestock management along with the financial aspects of running a sustainable agricultural enterprise such as developing budgets, running cost analyses, and record keeping. Guidance will be provided by the local community partners of Heritage Cooperative, Sharp Farms, and Homewood Feed. Additionally, all food grown and raised by students will be integrated into the district’s meal program, providing all students access to fresh and nutritious local foods. 

The Grow Ohio Grant is funded through the 2022 State Agency Non-Competitive Farm to School Formula Grant awarded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The goals of the Grow Ohio Grant program include creating equitable opportunities for students to gain knowledge of potential careers in agriculture, increasing relationships between Ohio food producers and child nutrition program sponsors, and increasing the number of school-grown foods served in USDA meal programs. Grant awards ranged from $5,000 to $40,000. The invitation to submit grant applications began on March 4th, 2024, and ended on May 15th, 2024.