Rep. McNally announces $32,098.56 for Goshen, Green Township Roadway Improvements
COLUMBUS – State Rep. Lauren McNally (D-Youngstown) today announced that $32,098.56 in Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Township Safety Signage Grant Program funds for Goshen and Green townships in Mahoning County.
“We must continue to prioritize the safety of travelers on Ohio’s roadways,” said Rep. McNally. “No matter how major or minor the fix is on any of our roads, safety remains a top priority as safe roadways protect lives.”
ODOT’s Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) provides $2 million dollars annually in funding to upgrade existing and install new safety signage on Ohio’s township roads through the Township Safety Signage Grant Program. A township may ask for up to $50,000 worth of signs, either replacing existing or installing new ones, posts, and hardware to install across their entire township roadway network so long as they have higher than average roadway systemwide crash rates based on the previous five years’ crash history and have not been funded previously by the Township Safety Signage Grant Program.
The funding for Goshen and Green townships is part of the awarding of $845,040 to support 38 roadway signage projects in local townships in 30 counties.