Rep. McNally Announces $27,575 in EPA Funding for Mahoning County
COLUMBUS – State Rep. Lauren McNally (D-Youngstown) today announced the awarding of $27,575 for the Youngstown Health Department as part of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Recycling and Litter Prevention Programs.
“This is a great program,” said Rep. McNally. “These grants are vital for keeping our communities vibrant and livable.”
The funding is part of an investment of more than $2.69 million from the Ohio EPA for local governments, businesses, and nonprofit organizations throughout northeast Ohio. More than $7.5M is provided for the entire state. The grants are intended to assist recycling efforts, litter prevention, market development, and scrap tire disposal through amnesty collection events. The grants are funded from fees collected at construction and demolition debris facilities. Seventy cents for every ton goes towards the recycling and litter prevention fund.
The Youngstown Health Department will use its funding to hold tire disposal amnesty events, litter clean-up events, and further outreach and education. All clean-up events are volunteer driven and take place on public property.