Rep. Cross Encourages Small Business to Share Feedback with Ohio House Task Force
KENTON – State Representative Jon Cross (R-Kenton) is encouraging small business owners throughout his district to share their experience regarding the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Speaker Larry Householder (R-Glenford) created the OHIO 2020 Economic Recovery Task Force to begin looking at ways to lay the foundation for economic renewal in the wake of COVID-19.
“As a member of the task force, it’s been incredibly insightful hearing from business owners from across the state on how Ohio can emerge from this crisis stronger than before,” said Cross. “I want to make sure the hardworking people from my district have to opportunity to share their story as we work together to jumpstart Ohio’s economy.”
The 24-member House task force is meeting regularly via teleconference and hearing from guest presenters on a range of issues. The meetings are streamed live on Rep. Cross noted the task force is on Facebook and Twitter: @OHTaskForce2020
Rep. Cross said local small businesses that would like to share their story can contact the task force at with the following information:
· Name and location of the business
· Number of employees
· Years in business
· Contact information for business owners (email, phone number)
· Brief description of the nature of the business
All submissions will be reviewed with the goal of inviting a diverse range of businesses from different industries and regions of the state to testify virtually before the task force. Businesses may also submit written feedback to the task force.
In addition Rep. Cross is calling for all businesses to re-open on May 1st and all healthcare practices to re-open as soon as possible in order to protect Ohioans from all other health issues.
“I’ve called for Governor DeWine to reopen business on May 1st to save jobs, save small business and reboot Ohio’s economy,” said Rep. Cross. “I’ve also asked that all healthcare practices open up as soon as possible so we don’t prolong any additional healthcare needs that are urgent. We must trust both businesses and healthcare professionals to engage best practices to build up confidence to their employees and customers to safely re-open.”