Rep. Desiree Tims says Real State of the State is Ohioans Deserve Better!
COLUMBUS – State Rep. Desiree Tims (D-Dayton) today responded to Governor DeWine’s State of the State address:
“The real state of the state is that our communities are suffering. The “thriving” that Ohio Governor DeWine speaks of is limited to a privileged few. The best measure of progress is how we treat our poor and the reality is, the most vulnerable communities don’t feel a thriving Ohio. Further, the MAGA Republican party is gutting any glimmer of economic opportunity while the Ohioans in charge remain silent,” said Rep. Tims.
House Democrats are committed to making sure people deserve better: better pay, better healthcare, fairer taxes, safer communities, real opportunities, and a future where no one is held back.
The full House and Senate Democratic response can be viewed here.