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Lear, Lorenz Introduce Election Integrity Act to Modify Political Party Declarations for Elections

March 7, 2024
Beth Lear News

COLUMBUS- State Representatives Beth Lear (R-Galena) and Brian Lorenz (R-Powell) introduced legislation that will modify the timeframe for voters and candidates to declare a political party.

House Bill 437 will require a voter to declare their political party at least 90 days in advance to participate in their chosen party’s primary election. The legislation will also require a candidate to have voted within the same party they are on the ballot for in the last primary.

“Due to candidates declaring a party that goes against their voting record history, we have introduced legislation that will provide more transparency for voters,” said Lear. “It’s about integrity. A candidate who tries to run for a party with whom they do not affiliate and for whom they have never voted should not be allowed to fool voters.”

“This legislation will provide clarity to the voters,” said Lorenz. “Voters want a candidate that will have their best interest in mind. Claiming one party affiliation, while acting in step with another is nothing more than smoke and mirrors to obtain a seat.”

House Bill 437 awaits committee assignment.