Rep. Brown Piccolantonio Calls for Restraint Following First Hearing on SB 1, the Higher Education Destruction Act Attacking Workers' Rights, Future of Ohio's Universities
COLUMBUS – State Rep. Beryl Brown Piccolantonio (D-Gahanna) today released the following statement concerning Tuesday’s first hearing on Senate Bill (SB) 1, the Higher Education Destruction Act, in the House Workforce and Higher Education Committee:
“I appreciate Senator Cirino for taking the time to deliver sponsor testimony on this extremely important issue. For weeks now, students, parents and educators have been speaking out across Ohio on this bill because of the dangers it poses. Today’s testimony did nothing to alleviate those fears. It is clear that SB 1 will drive high-quality faculty and students out of Ohio and that it will leave our great public universities – and the $70 billion in annual economic activity they create – in a state of deep uncertainty. The future of Ohio’s workforce and our economy is at risk because of this bill,” said Rep. Brown Piccolantonio, ranking member on the House Workforce and Higher Education Committee. “Now is not the time to be fast-tracking such an important issue through the committee process. Especially during budget negotiations. SB 1’s impact could be so substantial, we should take the time to have a thoughtful dialogue, listen to key stakeholders and look for bipartisan solutions to some of the most pressing and valid concerns.”
In trying to solve problems that do not exist, SB 1 creates new issues that will confuse students, stifle growth, and prevent Ohio’s institutions of higher learning from reaching their full potential.
EDITOR’S NOTE: A picture of Rep. Brown Piccolantonio at today’s hearing is attached to this release. Courtesy: Ohio House Democrats