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831 -
840 of
Number | Title | Sponsor(s) | Version |
H. B. No. 496 | Revise the law governing property taxes and county auditors | Hoops |
As Passed by the House |
H. B. No. 497 | Make various changes regarding county law | Stewart Klopfenstein |
As Passed by the House |
H. B. No. 498 | Remove criminal offense related to donating blood with AIDS virus | Carruthers |
As Introduced |
H. B. No. 499 | Create grants for housing near megaprojects; revise property law | Isaacsohn Mathews |
As Introduced |
H. B. No. 500 | Prohibit unauthorized displays of symbols on bridges or highways | Carruthers Upchurch |
As Introduced |
H. B. No. 501 | Create Study Committee on Small Business Retirement Options | Carruthers |
As Introduced |
H. B. No. 502 | Protect assisted reproduction care | Somani Piccolantonio |
As Introduced |
H. B. No. 503 | Prohibit activities re: garbage-fed swine, feral swine, wild boar | Peterson Jones |
As Passed by the House |
H. B. No. 504 | Enact Hayden's Law regarding alcohol server training | Pavliga |
As Introduced |
H. B. No. 505 | Enact the Community Pharmacy Protection Act | Barhorst Stewart |
As Introduced |