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To view legislation from previous general assemblies, visit the Ohio Legislature site
Results 771 - 780 of 1,010
Number Title Sponsor(s) Version
H. B. No. 448 Designate John Lennon Memorial Highway As Reported by the House Transportation Committee
H. B. No. 449 Require Digest of Motor Vehicle Laws translated to more languages As Introduced
H. B. No. 450 Prohibit certain offenses with an unmanned aerial vehicle system As Introduced
H. B. No. 451 Enact Withholding Illegal Revenue Entering Drug Markets Act As Introduced
H. B. No. 452 Regards hospital violence prevention, training, security plans As Passed by the House
H. B. No. 453 Designate Staff Sergeant George P. Mizik (USMC) Memorial Highway As Reported by the House Transportation Committee
H. B. No. 454 Designate Women's History Month As Introduced
H. B. No. 455 Establish Ohio Ireland Trade Commission As Reported by the House Government Oversight Committee
H. B. No. 456 Designate Police Chief Ronnie Ricketts, Sr. Memorial Highway As Reported by the House Transportation Committee
H. B. No. 457 Modifies voter registration procedures for electors who move As Introduced