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Number | Title | Sponsor(s) | Version |
S. B. No. 307 | Regards items that accelerate a firearm's rate of fire | Smith Craig |
As Introduced |
H. B. No. 308 | Include energy generated by nuclear reaction as green energy | Stein Brennan |
As Passed by the House |
S. B. No. 308 | Regards school district property taxes and millage calculations | O'Brien |
As Introduced |
H. B. No. 309 | Regards firearms transfers, criminal background checks | Thomas, C. Baker |
As Introduced |
S. B. No. 309 | Allow community foundations as trustee of school charitable funds | Wilson |
As Introduced |
H. B. No. 310 | Regards STRS member purchase of military service credit | Jones |
As Introduced |
S. B. No. 310 | Designate U.S.S. Shenandoah Memorial Highway | Chavez |
As Introduced |
H. B. No. 311 | Regards ticket prices for school-affiliated events | Edwards Pizzulli |
As Introduced |
S. B. No. 311 | Permit students to concurrently receive certain scholarships | O'Brien |
As Introduced |
H. B. No. 312 | Establish Regional Partnerships Program | White Young, T. |
As Re-Referred by the House Rules and Reference Committee |