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Number | Title | Sponsor(s) | Version |
S. B. No. 226 | Enact the Ohio Property Protection Act | Johnson |
As Passed by the Senate |
S. B. No. 227 | Enact The Consumer Utility Billing Transparency Act | Smith |
As Introduced |
H. B. No. 227 | Regards ADAMH boards and recovery housing residences | Pizzulli |
As Introduced |
H. B. No. 228 | Rename the Vern Riffe Center as the Tawnya Salyer Memorial Center | Johnson Plummer |
As Introduced |
S. B. No. 228 | Require refunds for utility customers for unlawful charges | Smith |
As Introduced |
H. B. No. 229 | Enact the Brenna Brossard SUDEP Awareness Act | Sweeney Patton |
As Passed by the House |
S. B. No. 229 | Revise Public Utilities Commission nominating council and process | DeMora Hicks-Hudson |
As Introduced |
H. B. No. 230 | Regards drug trafficking, organized trafficking of persons | Abrams Swearingen |
As Passed by the House |
S. B. No. 230 | Require state and local cooperation in enforcing immigration laws | Antani |
As Introduced |
S. B. No. 231 | Require system for anonymous reporting of wage discrimination | Smith Hicks-Hudson |
As Introduced |