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350 of
Number | Title | Sponsor(s) | Version |
H. B. No. 171 | Include certain instruction in social studies model curriculum | Lightbody |
As Introduced |
S. B. No. 172 | Exempt sales of manned aircraft from sales and use tax | Brenner |
As Introduced |
H. B. No. 172 | Regards electronic estate planning, health care documents | Swearingen |
As Introduced |
H. B. No. 173 | Designate May as Older Ohioans Month | Troy |
As Passed by the House |
S. B. No. 173 | Make election officials public service workers re:public records | DeMora Gavarone |
As Passed by the Senate |
S. B. No. 174 | Allow retail natural gas service supplier to offer carbon offsets | Wilkin Lang |
As Introduced |
H. B. No. 174 | Establish and operate the Ohio Health Care Plan | Skindell Grim |
As Introduced |
S. B. No. 175 | Regards insurance regulations and taxes | Lang |
As Enrolled |
H. B. No. 175 | Enact the Keep Every Home Safe Act | Miranda Brewer |
As Introduced |
H. B. No. 176 | Revise the Ohio Carpenters license plate | Grim |
As Passed by the House |