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To view legislation from previous general assemblies, visit the Ohio Legislature site
Results 11 - 20 of 1,033
Number Title Sponsor(s) Version
H. B. No. 6 Enact the Save Women's Sports Act As Reported by the House Higher Education Committee
S. B. No. 6 Regards certain public entities' governance policies As Reported by the House Financial Institutions Committee
H. B. No. 7 Enact the Strong Foundations Act As Passed by the House
S. B. No. 7 Designate Powerboat Safety Month; increase boating safety grants As Introduced
H. B. No. 8 Enact the Parents' Bill of Rights As Passed by the House
S. B. No. 8 Regards motor vehicle dealer liability for vehicle history report As Introduced
S. B. No. 9 Revise medical marijuana law As Introduced
H. B. No. 9 Establish the Grow Your Own Teacher Program As Introduced
S. B. No. 10 Incorporate changes in the Internal Revenue Code into Ohio law As Enrolled
H. B. No. 10 Continue phasing-in the school financing system As Introduced