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11 -
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Number | Title | Sponsor(s) | Version |
H. B. No. 6 | Enact the Save Women's Sports Act | Powell |
As Reported by the House Higher Education Committee |
S. B. No. 6 | Regards certain public entities' governance policies | Schuring |
As Reported by the House Financial Institutions Committee |
H. B. No. 7 | Enact the Strong Foundations Act | White Humphrey |
As Passed by the House |
S. B. No. 7 | Designate Powerboat Safety Month; increase boating safety grants | Schuring |
As Introduced |
H. B. No. 8 | Enact the Parents' Bill of Rights | Swearingen Carruthers |
As Passed by the House |
S. B. No. 8 | Regards motor vehicle dealer liability for vehicle history report | Schuring Lang |
As Introduced |
S. B. No. 9 | Revise medical marijuana law | Huffman, S. Schuring |
As Introduced |
H. B. No. 9 | Establish the Grow Your Own Teacher Program | Manning Lightbody |
As Introduced |
S. B. No. 10 | Incorporate changes in the Internal Revenue Code into Ohio law | Blessing |
As Enrolled |
H. B. No. 10 | Continue phasing-in the school financing system | Callender Sweeney |
As Introduced |