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To view legislation from previous general assemblies or special sessions, visit the Ohio Legislature site
Results 11 - 20 of 44
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Number Title Sponsor(s) Version
S. B. No. 34 Enact the Historical Educational Displays Act As Introduced
H. B. No. 42 Require certain agencies to collect and report citizenship data As Introduced
H. B. No. 43 Waive minimum instructional hours for specified high school As Reported by the House Education Committee
S. B. No. 44 Allow students to concurrently receive certain state scholarships As Re-Referred to the Senate Finance Committee
S. B. No. 47 Require certain disclosures of for-profit school, college status As Introduced
S. B. No. 48 Regards auditing of chartered nonpublic schools As Introduced
H. B. No. 48 Modify tax deductions for 529 plan and ABLE account contributions As Introduced
S. B. No. 49 Regards right of first refusal-acquiring school district property As Introduced
S. B. No. 50 Regards age and schooling certificates, minor work hours As Introduced
H. B. No. 57 Regards school policies on administering overdose reversal drugs As Introduced