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Health Provider Services Committee Bills

Committee Bills
Bill Title
H. B. No. 36 Enact Paige's Law regarding medical identifying devices
H. B. No. 80 Regards pharmacist care
S. B. No. 95 Authorize the operation of remote dispensing pharmacies
H. B. No. 97 License certified mental health assistants
H. B. No. 136 Authorize the operation of remote dispensing pharmacies
H. B. No. 154 Regards employment conditions for certain registered nurses
H. B. No. 169 Regards tanning by minors; physician titles
H. B. No. 275 Regards patient prescription reports, opioids, medical marijuana
H. B. No. 285 Require hospitals to establish registered nurse staffing plans
H. B. No. 319 Enact Conscientious Right to Refuse Act
H. B. No. 362 Revise law governing certified registered nurse anesthetists
H. B. No. 463 Enacts the My Child-My Chart Act
H. B. No. 545 Regulate the practice of midwives