Brown responds to anti-worker Janus v. AFSCME SCOTUS decision
State Rep. Richard Brown (D-Canal Winchester) today condemned the United States Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision in its ruling on the AFSCME v. Janus case.
“In overturning the 1977 Abood v. Detroit Board of Education decision, the conservative majority of the Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision made a fundamentally anti-worker decision that will negatively impact the livelihoods of our teachers, police officers, and all public sector employees,” said Brown.
The decision will significantly limit the ability of public sector unions to negotiate benefits such as a living wage, sick leave, and family leave for both union and non-union public employees.
“I will not let the Supreme Court’s decision undermine my efforts to support worker’s rights and I will continue to support our public sector employees in the legislature,” Brown added. “Unions are and will continue to be the backbone of the worker’s rights movement and deliberate attempts to undermine their effectiveness, such as this ruling, will not stop that movement.”