Loychik to Introduce Bill to Tackle Drug Epidemic
State Rep. Mike Loychik (R-Bazetta) will be introducing legislation that seeks to address the drug epidemic in Ohio by requiring the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services to collect and report data on drug and alcohol addiction services. Today, Aug. 31, marks Ohio Overdose Awareness Day.
“Currently, with the data that is being reported, we are not getting the full picture regarding drug and addiction services in Ohio,” said Loychik. “With overdose deaths escalating here in Trumbull County and throughout the state, I’m proposing this bill as another way to combat the drug epidemic.”
According to the CDC, overdose deaths increased by 30 percent last year with several other reports indicating similar deadly trends.
The legislation requires the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services to report the data quarterly along with an annual report, which will be sent to the General Assembly, the governor, and the ADAMH Boards. Additionally, the reports will be online for public access.
“This transparency of information is going to assist both public officials and the public to stay on top of this and be informed,” Loychik added. “With the data being more readily available, my hope is it will spark more efficient action on addressing this epidemic to bring these death rates down.”
This is not Loychik’s first bill regarding the issue of drug overdoses. Back in June, Loychik introduced House Bill 356 that includes several comprehensive reforms that provide solutions to the opioid crisis.