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Casey Weinstein News

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State Reps. Allison Russo (D-Upper Arlington) and Casey Weinstein (D-Hudson) today joined audiologist and educational advocate Dr. Carrie Spangler, a constituent of Rep. Weinstein’s whose child is hard-of-hearing and members of Let Ohio Hear to discuss House Bill (HB) 243, which supports early stage intervention for deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals by making hearing aids for children more affordable for Ohio families. 

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Thu, Jun 6, 2019

House Democratic lawmakers today largely voted against House Bill (HB) 6, legislation to bail out several energy corporations and all but eliminate energy efficiency and renewable energy standards in Ohio.

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Wed, May 29, 2019

State Rep. Casey Weinstein (D-Hudson) today announced the passage of House Resolution (HR) 77, bipartisan legislation he joint-sponsored with Rep. Rick Perales (R-Beavercreek) urging over $100 million in federal funding allocated to Ohio’s critical military construction projects to remain in-state instead of being diverted to fund wall construction on the United States’ southern border.

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Wed, May 29, 2019

House Democratic lawmakers today unveiled the Clean Energy Jobs Act, their proposal to protect existing jobs, grow new ones and invest in Ohio’s clean energy future. The announcement follows the latest changes to House Bill (HB) 6, which Republican lawmakers amended to bail out more corporations and all but eliminate energy efficiency and renewable energy standards in Ohio. The bill passed out of committee Thursday.

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Thu, May 23, 2019

 State Reps. Allison Russo (D-Upper Arlington) and Casey Weinstein (D-Hudson) recently introduced House Bill (HB) 243 titled “Madeline’s Law”, new legislation with bipartisan support that requires Ohio insurance companies to cover a portion of the cost of hearing aids for children.

“For young children with hearing loss, early intervention is crucial for speech and language development,” said Rep. Russo. “This legislation supports early intervention by ensuring families have the insurance coverage necessary to afford hearing aids for their children.”

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Wed, May 15, 2019

Democratic members of the House Energy and Natural Resources Committee today released a joint statement after Republicans running the committee banned questions from the elected officials in a failed effort to promote partisan legislation – House Bill 6 – designed to bailout one energy company in the state at expense to taxpayers.

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Wed, May 15, 2019

House Democratic lawmakers today voted in favor of the state budget, House Bill 166, which includes a number of key Democratic priorities, including a significant tax cut for working people and families.

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Thu, May 9, 2019

State Rep. Casey Weinstein (D-Hudson) yesterday announced the unanimous passage of House Resolution (HR) 77, bipartisan legislation joint-sponsored with state Rep. Rick Perales (R-Beavercreek) urging over $100 million in federal funding allocated to Ohio’s critical military construction projects to remain in-state instead of being diverted President Trump’s national security project at the U.S.- Mexico border. 

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Thu, May 2, 2019

House Democratic lawmakers today announced their Ohio Clean Energy Jobs Plan to protect and grow good jobs across the state, improve the health of Ohioans and avoid rate hikes on consumer utility bills.

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Thu, May 2, 2019

State Reps. Kent Smith (D-Euclid) and Casey Weinstein (D-Hudson) today announced the introduction of House Bill 202, legislation to create an Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure Study tasked with setting statewide EV infrastructure standards to encourage investment and economic growth. The lawmakers’ announcement follows the state’s approval of EV registration fee increases and a new report lauding Ohio’s potential as a national leader in clean jobs growth.

“If we don’t plan for our future now, we risk being left out of the economic growth and opportunity that comes with clean energy investment,” said Smith. “We need a blueprint that recognizes our potential as a clean jobs leader and builds on that foundation to keep us economically competitive nationally and globally.”

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Wed, Apr 17, 2019